在線或通過本地 WiFi 與 4-15 名玩家一起玩,當您嘗試準備您的飛船出發時,但要小心,因為有人會成為一心想殺死所有人的冒名頂替者!
使用 APK 玩家應用程式
取得適用於 Android 的舊版 APK(XAPK)
最新版本的新增內容 2024.6.18
- NEW ROLE: Tracker. Plant a tracking device on anyone and see if people are really where they say they are.
- NEW ROLE: Noisemaker. When killed, emit an alert to everyone. Your death may expose the truth!
- NEW ROLE: Phantom: Turn invisible and make your escape after executing a kill.
- Revamped Lobby Settings: The giant list of settings has been changed into a clean new menu to view when joining a lobby
- Lobby music added to the Dropship